Our resort may not be the biggest one in the Alps, but we are a top quality resort. There are slopes of all difficulty levels, beautiful lanscape, traditional huts and restaurants and best snow conditions from november to april. The area is especially perfect for families. We have a big Kinderland, a Ski-Kindergarten and while the parents enjoy the upper slopes, they can leave their children there and check-up on them whenever they want.
indoor swimming pool
toboggan runs
2 discotheques
comfortable lodges
numerous restaurants, bistros, etc.
Smučišče Schlick 2000
Splošne informacije
Direkten smučarski avtobus z železniške postaje
Osnovni podatki o smučišču
Celotno smučišče: 18 kmSteze za tek na smučeh: 4 km
Modra: 10 km
Rdeča: 7 km
Črna: 1 km