
Grosses Moos 66, 3906 Saas-Fee 46.1138,7.932657 Telefon: +41 31 528 16 55 Prikaži na zemljevidu

The house Valleisa is located close to the parking area P1. 50m in front of the house there is a bus stop of the free ski bus. To the village centre & cable cars it's a 10-12 minutes walk. All our guests receive the SaastalCard. The SaastalCard grants numerous attractive discounts like unlimited use of the cable cars in summer (without the Metro Alpin). In addition, the use of buses in the Saas Valley is free all year round.Bed-linen and towels are in the price included. Not included
Summer: Visitor's tax: CHF 7.00/day for adults, CHF 3.50/day for children (6 - 16 years).
Winter: Visitor's tax: CHF 4.50/day for adults, CHF 2.25/day for children (6 - 16 years).

Razdalje so okvirne in izračunane s pomočjo spletnih orodij. Za natančnejšo lokacijo odprite zemljevid.
Oddaljenost objekta od:
Razdalje so okvirne in izračunane s pomočjo spletnih orodij. Za natančnejšo lokacijo odprite zemljevid.

Razpoložljivost namestitve Vallesia

44 m2 MAX 4 1 spalnica in 1 kopalnica 4 postelje
dnevno-bivalni prostor

Storitve nastanitve Vallesia

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  • Soba za smuči
  • Lokacija namestitve Vallesia
