Rooms Alice

Obala maršala Tita 29, 52221 Rabac 45.079177,14.155902 +385 52 790 012 Prikaži na zemljevidu

Room Alice S1 is located in the center of the town of Rabac. From its window, you can see the beach and the Rabac sea promenade. It is located just 50m from the sea.
This big rustically furnished bedroom has a double bed and a seating area. All the furniture is authentic, traditional and well preserved. There's also a bathroom with a shower, a bath tub and a washing machine. The bathroom is shared with one more room. Outside you can enjoy in big terrace surrounded with mediterranean plants. From the terrace, you have a sea at the palm of your hand. You can watch the boats coming and leaving Rabac harbour and listen to the town buzzing with the tourists. Shops, restaurants, ATMs, souvenir shops and much more is within the range of 100m. In Rabac you can find many restaurants, which are offering locally caught sea specialties..

Razdalje so okvirne in izračunane s pomočjo spletnih orodij. Za natančnejšo lokacijo odprite zemljevid.
Oddaljenost objekta od:
Razdalje so okvirne in izračunane s pomočjo spletnih orodij. Za natančnejšo lokacijo odprite zemljevid.

Razpoložljivost namestitve Rooms Alice

Dvoposteljna soba - terasa, pogled: na morje
19 m2 MAX 2 1 spalnica in 1 kopalnica 2 postelji
Room Alice S1 is located in the center of the town of Rabac. From its window, you can see the beach and the Rabac sea promenade. It is located just 50m from the sea. This big rustically furnished bedroom has a double bed and a seating area. All the furniture is authentic, traditional and well preserved. There's also a bathroom with a shower, a bath tub and a washing machine. The bathroom is shared with one more room. Outside you can enjoy in big terrace surrounded with mediterranean plants. From the terrace, you have a sea at the palm of your hand. You can watch the boats coming and leaving Rabac harbour and listen to the town buzzing with the tourists. Shops, restaurants, ATMs, souvenir shops and much more is within the range of 100m. In Rabac you can find many restaurants, which are offering locally caught sea specialties..
ločen WC

Storitve nastanitve Rooms Alice

  • Parkirišče
  • Dodatne storitve
  • Pralni stroj
  • Lokacija namestitve Rooms Alice
